Courtney Cares

To those of you finding this blog through the "Courtney Cares" boxes, know that we are deeply sorry for your loss. Our hope and prayer is that you find comfort in the lasting memories of your baby through the items provided in your memory box. Each box was prepared with love, and before they were given to the hospital we prayed for the family that would receive them, and we continue to do so.


Stories... everyone has one to share. Right?

Sometimes stories can be told in a short Facebook status update, Twitter update, a text message, a blog, a phone conversation, an e-mail, a letter delivered by 'snail mail', or hundreds of other ways. In my opinion, stories, though, are best shared when you can engage in a personal conversation with others. You see the body language, facial expressions, and the emotion that goes along with that story.

However the story is shared, the important thing is that it is told.

Courtney has been a difficult story for us to tell, but she has also been a story full of blessings that we continue to discover. Some of those blessings are hearing the stories of others.

Last week we were inspired by a story from a woman that we have known for years. She had an infant that died decades ago, and back when she had her little angel it wasn't something openly talked about. She never saw her little one, and my heart hurts for her knowing that she doesn't have beautiful memories of what her son looked like. Last week she talked about her angel, and I am so thankful that we were the recipients of part of her story through her daughter. It still brings tears to my eyes to read the e-mails we received about her story.

A couple of our friends recently celebrated the birthday of their little angel in a very meaningful and beautiful way, and they shared pictures with others of their celebration. A very bittersweet celebration, I am sure, but a celebration of the blessing and the impact that baby has had, and will continue to have, in their lives. They continue to share their story... and I am blessed by hearing it!

I have had others share their stories of miscarriage or loss of a little one as we have opened up about Courtney. My life is enriched through each story shared.

I cannot think of a more painful way to experience grief than to have to hold it inside. I have been so thankful, and I'll continue to say it, that we haven't had to go through this journey alone. and that we have been allowed to share our story. We have been asked about our little peanut, we've volunteered information, we've shared pictures and this blog URL. Shoot, we even talked to a reporter about Courtney! We have been forever affected by this journey, and I, for one, pray that we can continue to be a vessel that God uses to allow others to talk about their experiences, their journeys, their pain. I pray that others who are also affected by the loss of a baby will continue to share their stories. By sharing we find others who are struggling, healing, and celebrating. It helps to know that we are not alone.

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