Courtney Cares

To those of you finding this blog through the "Courtney Cares" boxes, know that we are deeply sorry for your loss. Our hope and prayer is that you find comfort in the lasting memories of your baby through the items provided in your memory box. Each box was prepared with love, and before they were given to the hospital we prayed for the family that would receive them, and we continue to do so.

Courtney's Story- an reporter's perspective

We are so pleased to share a link with all of you written by another person we want you to meet... Rhiannon Meyers.  Rhiannon is a reporter with the Corpus Christi Caller Times, and she spent several hours with us in February.  She has so beautifully written Courtney's Story for others to see.

Rhiannon was connected to us through the hospital, and through Grace, whom you have met in other posts.  God truly puts people in our lives when we need them.  I believe Rhiannon was put in our lives to help share the story of Courtney with others who are grieving, especially in those who have not found the voice to tell their own stories.  My heart hurts knowing that there are people who are grieving silently... God knows their pain and they certainly are not alone.

Rhiannon, thank you for so beautifully telling our story, and for the courage to be a voice for all who can relate.  You are a treasure!


  1. Hi there! My mother, Tammy Simpson, came across your story in the Caller Times. She asked me to help her find your contact information because she too dealt with the loss of her first child. She would like to get involved in helping with whatever she can. Can you send me some information that I can forward her (email address, etc.)? Thank you so much.

  2. Tammy, my email address is I would love to hear your mother's story and talk about ways we can partner together.

  3. Wonderful! I will send my mom your email and I'm sure she will be in contact with you soon. Thank you so very much. It makes my heart smile to hear my mom get so interested and excited about something just for her. She is a woman that is so extremely selfless that I worry about her often. She hasn't mentioned getting involved with something for her in a long time. Thank you for creating an avenue for support and involvement for women like my mom.

  4. What an amazing story and how amazing how you dealt with it, I lost my 1st child to sids she was 71/2 months old. I now work in a funeral home, and would love to be able to help mothers deal with thier pain after loosing a child. It is very difficult. It has been almost 17 years since she has passed and not a day goes by that I do not think about her, this year has been really hard because she would have been a Senior in high e-mail address is please let me know how I can help. Thank you!
